see command buttons come to life in Access on forms when you hover and click by changing colors Ms Access Gurus

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Document Fields for Access table to Debug Window

Do you ever need a quick list of field names? Here is easy VBA code to document fields for a particular Access table or Query in the Debug (Immediate) window. You can look at the results, and copy and paste to somewhere else. You also can see data type , size, and description. If field is an AutoNumber, that is indicated. Turn off the extra information if all you want are names.

The VBA procedure has a short CUSTOMIZE! section where you can specify the table or query name and other options.

Because field Description can be documented, a procedure called Get_Property is included but commented. If you don't have my module for handling properties, uncomment that so the code to Document_Fields2Debug can compile and run.

document fields in an Access table

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Download BAS file to import into a database to document fieldnames (and more if you want) to the Debug (Immediate) window for any specified table.

Remember to UNBLOCK files you download to remove the Mark of the Web. Here are steps to do that:

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Standard Module

Specify YOUR Table or Query name under CUSTOMIZE! and possibly also change bIsTable, iTab, bFieldnameOnly, and bShowMessage. iTab is the number of characters for the fieldname. Mine are short, but if yours are longer, make it bigger. The code could loop and figure it out, but I decided to keep it simple. Maximum number of characters for a fieldname is 64 (way too long, in my opinion).

My Get_Property function is commented since I have a module you can download to manage properties but if you don't have that, then uncomment, debug, compile, and save. Here is the reference page if you want the whole module:

Module to Manage Object Properties with VBA

'module: mod_Document_Fields2Debug_s4p
'*************** Code Start ***********************************************
' Purpose  : Document fieldnames and other information
'              to the Debug window
'              for a particular table or query
' Author   : crystal (strive4peace)
' Code List:
' This code:
'   You may freely use and share this code, but not sell it.
'   Keep attribution. Mark your changes. Use at your own risk.
'           Document_Fields2Debug_s4p
Public Sub Document_Fields2Debug_s4p() 
'230601 s4p, 608, 609 AutoNumber
'list fields to Debug window for a specified Table or a Query

   '  PRESS F5 to Run!
   'PRESS Ctrl-G to go to Debug window
   'drag by titlebar to float if you want to change its size
   '  Get_Property
   On Error GoTo Proc_Err 
   Dim sTable As String _ 
      ,sTitle As String _ 
      ,iTab As Integer _ 
      ,bIsTable As Boolean _ 
      ,bFieldnameOnly As Boolean _ 
      ,bShowMessage As Boolean 
   '----------------------------- CUSTOMIZE!
   sTable =  "c_Contact" 'YOUR TABLE or query name
   bIsTable = True  'false to document a query
   iTab = 20  'make bigger if you have long fieldnames
   bFieldnameOnly = False  'True to list fieldnames only
   bShowMessage = True  'show MsgBox at end
   Dim db As DAO.Database _ 
      ,oTable As Object _ 
      ,oField As DAO.Field 

   Set db = CurrentDb 
   sTitle = String(5, "=") 
   If bIsTable = True Then 
      Set oTable = db.TableDefs(sTable) 
      sTitle = sTitle &  " Table " & sTitle 
      Set oTable = db.QueryDefs(sTable) 
      sTitle = sTitle &  " Query " & sTitle 
   End If 
   sTitle = sTitle &  " " & sTable &  " " & String(10, "=") 
   With oTable 
      Debug.Print sTitle 
      Debug.Print  "-Fieldname-"; 
      If bFieldnameOnly Then 
         Debug.Print Tab(iTab);  "-Type-"; 
         Debug.Print Tab(iTab + 7);  "-Size-"; 
         Debug.Print Tab(iTab + 14);  "-Description-"
      End If 
      For Each oField In .Fields 
         With oField 
            Debug.Print .Name; 
            If bFieldnameOnly Then 
               If .Type = 4 And _ 
                     (.Attributes And dbAutoIncrField) _ 
                     = dbAutoIncrField Then 
                  Debug.Print Tab(iTab);  "(AutoNumber)"; 
'                  Debug.Print " (AutoNumber)";
                  Debug.Print Tab(iTab); .Type; 
                  Debug.Print Tab(iTab + 7); .Size; 
               End If 
               Debug.Print Tab(iTab + 14); _ 
                  Get_Property( "Description",oField, "") 
            End If 
         End With 
      Next oField 
   End With  'tdf

   If bShowMessage Then 
      MsgBox  "Press Ctrl_G to see field information for " _ 
         & sTable &  " in the Debug window" _ 
         ,, "done"
   End If 
   On Error Resume Next 
   Set oField = Nothing 
   Set oTable = Nothing 
   Set db = Nothing 
   Exit Sub 
   MsgBox Err.Description,,_ 
        "ERROR " & Err.Number _ 
        &  "   Document_Fields2Debug_s4p "

   Resume Proc_Exit 
End Sub 

'           Get_Property
' UNCOMMENT if you need this
' Get_Property is in mod_Properties_s4p
' posted here:
'Function Get_Property( _
'   psPropName As String _
'   , Optional obj As Object _
'   , Optional pvDefaultValue As Variant _
'   ) As Variant
''s4p 8-9 ... 130831, 160820, 170721, 191124, 200511, 220403
'' get the value of a database (or object) property
'' pass (optional) object to look somewhere other than CurrentDb
'' pass (optional) default value to return if property not set
'   '  psPropName is the (database) property name to return the value of
'   '  obj = database, field, tabledef, querydef,
'   '   or other object with properties
'   '   if obj is not specified, then CurrentDb is used
'   '  pvDefaultValue is value to return if property cannot be read
'   '
'   ' Value of property
'   ' OR
'   ' Null (or pvDefaultValue) if property has no value or is not defined
'   '  MyValue = Get_Property("MyDatabasePropertyName")
'   '  MyFieldDescription = Get_Property("Description",oField,"")
'   ' ?Get_Property("Description",currentdb.TableDefs("MyTable").fields("MyField"))
'   On Error GoTo Proc_Err
'   Dim bRelease As Boolean
'   bRelease = False
'   If obj Is Nothing Then
'      Set obj = CurrentDb
'      bRelease = True
'   End If
'   'initialize return value
'   If Not IsMissing(pvDefaultValue) Then
'      Get_Property = pvDefaultValue
'   Else
'      Get_Property = Null
'   End If
'   With obj
'      Get_Property = obj.Properties(psPropName)
'   End With
'   On Error Resume Next
'   If bRelease Then Set obj = Nothing
'   Exit Function
'   Resume Proc_Exit
'End Function

'*************** Code End *****************************************************

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VBA on this site

Manage Object Properties with VBA

Get VBA for property handling module:

Microsoft Help

Help: Database.TableDefs property

Help: Database.QueryDefs property

Help: TableDef.Fields property

Help: Field.Attributes property

Help: Print # statement

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Maybe you're writing automation code ... and it would save time to have a list of fieldnames to copy from, plus ensure they're spelled right. Here is VBA to list fieldnames, and more if you want, for a specific Access table. You can reference it and copy the information.

Share with others

Here's the link for this page in case you want to copy it and share it with someone:

or in old browsers:

Get Tutoring building Access applications

Let's connect and team-develop your application together. You have the business knowledge; I know how to design and automate Access, and am a teacher. I show you how to do it yourself. My goal is to empower you as I believe you should hold the reins on your important information.

While we build something great together, I'll pull in code and features from my vast libraries as needed, cutting out lots of development time. And you'll get links to great resources.

Structure is the most important thing to get right. Once that is good, the rest is downhill. Documenting what you have helps you, well know what you have, and, gives you information to make the structure better. Structure is foundation. Let's connect. Email me at

~ crystal

the simplest way is best, but usually the hardest to see

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